Saturday, March 25, 2006


More than often I always ask myself what if I did something differently back then. Chose something else, took some other path... how different would things be today.
Would I still be asking myself the same questions...
I believe I have no regrets. At the same time there are a lot of things I wish I did differently.

For me it's always been choice. Everything boils down to choice. We are defined by the choices we make. We are where we are because of the choices we've made. So if I chose to do something else, how different would it be today?

As far as the whole concept of destiny is concerned, I've never been quite sure what to believe.
Everything happens for a reason. I'm a strong supporter of that. Always have been, always will. This totally contradicts what I've said above in relation to choice.
If some one were to ask me why I believed everything happens for a reason, at this point I would have no answer. I tried to ask myself today the same question, and I told myself that reasons I probably cant understand now, I will later. I have had instances in my life where I felt that it's happened for a reason. Ive met people in my life which I beleive has happened for a reason. But there are a whole lot of other things for which I cannot determine reasons and theres probably a reason why I cant determine that now.

All this sounds so vague and strange but i guess id primarily attribute it to the fact that, I like every other person have made choices. I have made choices that have brought me up to where I am right now. I will continue to make choices that will lead me to god knows where.

The reason being we can never see past the choices we don't understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey watch Weather Man, the ending is abt the choises u are talking about!