Sunday, September 10, 2006

Thoughts from my random mind

I’ve been thinking about writing all sorts of stuff, but I just haven’t got down to doing it. I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine over the weekend. We were talking about how old are we? Not us, but our planet.

To me numbers that professionals give us will always be speculative. I don’t think anyone on this planet is able to fully access or give us even anything accurate as to how old this planet actually is. Yes I do find it a little strange that of all the planets in our solar system ours is the only one with life. The time taken to revolve around the sun is 365 ¼ days which constitute a year. The time taken to for the earth to revolve around its own axis is a day. So according to lawsonomy time as recognized by man is merely a record of the number of revolutions made by the Sphere upon which he lives. So we rely on our fellow species to tell us exactly how things work around us. Not just for time, for practically everything else as well. Which is a different issue really but everything we don’t know is someone else’s interpretation of it.

How many of you actually think that dinosaurs look like exactly how they’re portrayed in Jurassic park. Yes a lot of research has gone behind what we call Paleontology but the fact of the matter is no one has a photograph of an actual dinosaur. So no one really knows what one looks like. How much are we to really on our imaginations. Actually that’s the only thing we can rely on. What can we base it on? Exactly how our fellow species defines it out to be.

You look at civilizations. I’m being very general and not going into details. At one point in time, practically each country had its own unique individuality without the influence of anyone else. Now I’m wearing clothes and speaking a language that in all actuality isn’t my own. If people around me in my work place can’t speak English as fluently as me, I actually have a stereo typical view which I’m not very proud of. It seems the course of the world is an interesting one. You take the biggest powerhouse in the world today. They don’t really have what we define as culture. But instead they really are a bunch of people from everywhere else who now constitute they’re one nationality. Their history is really self explanatory. I guess that’s pretty much why they are the biggest powerhouse because actually speaking they are a conglomerate of the world put in one country.

I remember way back in the 3rd grade a teacher asked us what the process of primates turning to humans is called. The answer being evolution she then proceeded to ask us if evolution is a whole process where in primates have evolved into the human species how come this process has stopped. What actually does control this process and how come we’re still not in that process? Another interesting question I remember a teacher asking me way back was to do with extra terrestrial life. Why is it that when we imagine them or portray them, we do it in the most ugliest, disgusting, weirdest form ever? Take alien or species or even E.T. So if they do exist or if we want them to in our movies why haven’t we pictured them in a better light?

Right so back to dinosaurs. The reason I’m writing about this is because I’m really confused as to how this whole thing works. Not the technicalities but more in term of events that are in all actuality just supposed to be random but in totality define so many things that concern our lives today. So one day something really crazy happened and dinosaurs just disappeared. It was obviously a random event. With so much speculation no one will actually ever know what happened. Whether an asteroid finished them off or due to a change in atmospheric climate conditions we now live on a planet that was once dominated by their species. So who’s to say none of this cant happen again?

When I mentioned earlier about the change in atmospheric climate conditions, what I really was talking about was that volcanic activity ceased which means that temperature levels were dropping which ultimately led to oxygen levels dropping. So its difficult for a dinosaur the size of a 10 storied building to get oxygen to all parts of its body. So my point really is the occurrence of random events. Where in no one actually knows what’s going to happen when. What really controls volcanic activity, earthquakes and other natural disasters? The world would definitely be a different place if there was more land than water. It seems like if there were someone who had control over us, every time he felt we were going outta control he’d use a tsunami to tame us. Yes I know, a very silly conception. Though we can monitor when the possibility of an earth quake is about to arise we don’t have time scales in terms of predictability.

So if the universe is infinite there is an infinite chance of anything and everything happening out there. Including an asteroid headed our way. I’m not really a paranoid person. But I’m more curious in terms of the future. Looking back to what seems like a very colorful history for us and our planet one can’t resist looking ahead either. The fact that the earth has evolved in terms of lifestyles so much in the last 20 years, more than it probably has in the past 200. So how much better does it get? Or do we get stagnant?

Looking at the world in which we live in today and probably what it was like 50 years ago, I say these are some pretty interesting times to come what with the way technology just seems to be galloping ahead.

There was a whole bunch of random stuff I wanted to post. But it’s a little scattered at the moment. So ill probably put in another post later or simply just update this one.

Some food for thought, one of the revelations that hit me when I was having that conversation with my friend was, was the fact that how do we know that the human species wasn’t wiped out and started all over again. In all honesty a billion years ago the human species reached the year 5000 was wiped out by an asteroid or natural disaster and then a billion years later they re-evolved to where we are now in the 21st century.
So how old actually are we?
It's like that Porsche ad, imagining what it could be like is a poor substitute for knowing...

1 comment:

GuNs said...

I had a similiar discussion with a friend last week. The quote that I put in was "Astronomy is just as preposterous as astrology". I mean, we hear news that "Scientists discover new star. They named it SCT30993 and it is supposed to have been destroyed 23 trillion years ago. The distance of the star from the Earth is around 33 million light years"...BULL SHIT. They are spending billions of dollars on researching such utterly useless crap when there are people dying of hunger,malnutrition, diseases and poverty. Its pathetic what they do in the name of science.

I still think the big bang theory is a big sham and so is most of space research.

Another dubious claim is how matter is composed. No body has ever seen an atom or a molecule. Polymer compunds have molecules thousands or even millions of times larger than the basic H molecule. So how come they havent been able to see THOSE either ??

I say, take Science with just as much a pinch of salt as supernatural stuff.
