Monday, September 28, 2009

Full Circle

I've been sick for the last couple of days. Well I sorta had something coming on and then one night of debauchery made it even worse and now I'm suffering the after effects of it. It's not something I'm particularly proud off considering I fell sick less than a month ago. I started thinking that all those times I decided to smoke that extra joint or have that extra drink or just smoke cigarettes in a row coz I could is and probably has started to catch up with me. You never really think about the consequences of these things. I guess if you did everyone who smoked and drank in excess would know their limits. I for one have never really known my limits. I've always been one to stretch them pushing boundaries and being rebellious coz it seemed to give me a certain sense of freedom. But I guess where I was drastically wrong was that freedom comes with a certain sense of responsibility that I have failed to possess and I'm not sure whether I will simply because I have failed to acknowledge it all these years.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm quitting alcohol and drugs for the next couple of months with the hope of keeping a clean head and focus on my efforts to get into a respectable business school. Efforts which didn't count enough last year and will hopefully pave the way for a platform of mistakes to learn from. Most of the people I know in my age group are all already so dynamic and doing great things with their life. I can't really say I've done anything significant these past couple of years but maintain a sedentary job that I feel any graduate could have handled. Nevertheless an experience is what it was and there are definitely things that I have come to learn.

I stated in my last post that I would make a serious effort to blog more often and I hope that with these changes that I'm incorporating in my life I manage to do it.

Be the change you want to see.....

1 comment:

GuNs said...

Why can't we, like all the lucky European folks, take a gap year from work and go roam the world and then come back and find a job again? :( It is so sad that in India, even a few months of gap in work experience raises a thousand questions in a job interview.

If you ever make such a plan, let me know!
