5 years. That's one thousand eight hundred and twenty five days. All in a blink. Sometimes its hard to fathom how so much time can go by so soon. But it does and I guess there's really nothing you can do about it. Time is one of those inevitable factors we will never have control of. Of course with the sort of setting I had back then, it was only made more complete with the people that were involved. People I haven't seen in 5 years and will be seeing in a little more than 24 hours.
I have waves of emotions flowing through me right now, unable to pin point which one exactly. Most of all I'm nervous and excited. It was different for me being all the way down south and all of them concentrated in Bombay. But it made it all the more extravagant seeing them all after so long with everyone together. There are friends who I have met a couple of times since I graduated. I know what meeting them is going to be like. But meeting people I haven't seen in so long is going to be plain and simple, crazy. All of us being together is going to be crazy.
I was 16 when I first went there. I spent two of those most inexplicable years of my life there. Two years I wouldn't trade for the world. 2 years that changed me and 2 years that made my friends for life. Being 18 back then and almost 23 now has inevitably changed me. But like all unbreakable bonds, it hasn't changed my relationship with people I shared unimaginable times with.
20 of us drive down 2 hours from Bombay on Friday morning for a weekend filled with madness. Something I could say I have been looking forward to in 5 years and even though its gone by so quickly, it really has been too long. Speaking to friends on the phone getting excited and with all that anticipation, I've been sitting on the edge of this seat for weeks now. I can't believe its finally going to happen.
When I think about it now, I realize I am a completely different person when I am with them. I am completely comfortable being me doing and saying the crazy things that I do, that I would otherwise not do in my present set of situations. I feel free and completely inhibition less.
Most of all, I miss that person like hell and it just reemphasizes it more when I hear them saying the same thing.
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